The JWHA newsletter is published quarterly. Members receive updates to access the latest articles before the next issue is available.
From the JWHA Board of Directors
The Board acknowledges the significance of the recent transfer of historic properties and artifacts and wants to assure its members of the JWHA’s continued dedication to its mission. This statement is issued on behalf of the Board of Directors.
April 6, 2024, Due Date Quickly Approaching
The April deadline for scholarship applications, call for papers and awards nominations is fast approaching.
Scholarship Applications
Do you know a student that shares our love of restoration history? Our scholarships not only help students financially offset the cost of the conference, but they also expose students to a new world of research and educational fun in JWHA. Share your love of restoration history with a student today. Learn more, applications are due no later than April 6, 2024.
Call for Papers
In a world filled with constant turmoil, we seek peace through understanding. Our conference provides us the opportunity to share our learned understanding through our research, presentations, and camaraderie in hopes of charting a more informed path through the future. This year, help us explore our theme of Making Peace with the Past and Pursuing Peace in the Future in St. George by submitting your 100-200 word proposal to by April 6, 2024.
Awards Nominations
Don’t miss out! The time to recognize exceptional scholarship in Restoration Studies is here. We’re seeking nominations for the prestigious John Whitmer Historical Association Awards, honoring the best books and articles published in 2023. Do you know of a groundbreaking book that sheds new light on our history? Or a thought-provoking article that sparks important conversations? Let’s celebrate the outstanding scholarship that enriches our understanding of the past. The nomination deadline is fast approaching: April 6th, 2024. Click here to submit your nomination.
Podcasting Memories of Kirtland and Nauvoo
Whitmer Cast, the podcast of the John Whitmer Historical Association, is collecting memories dealing with the historic sites in Kirtland, Ohio and Nauvoo, Illinois to share with the community via podcasting.
Memories can either be shared via writing (to be read out loud by a podcaster) or a recorded voice clip and sent as an email to JWHA Podcast Chair, Jason Smith:
Submissions should include: your name, approximate date of memory, and memory. Subject line of email submissions should be “Podcasting Memories of Kirtland and Nauvoo”.
Submissions will be compiled into several Whitmer Cast Episodes.

Attending the annual conference in St. George?
Like to take photos?
Would like a complimentary registration?
We’re looking for a conference photographer, if you are interested and can check any of these boxes, send an email inquiry to for more information.
2024 Annual Conference Guest Room Reservations
September 12 – 15, 2024
Dixie Conference Center, St. George Utah
Conference guest room blocks are being held at two hotels within walking distance to the conference center, Hilton Garden Inn and the Holiday Inn St. George Convention Center, the guest room blocks close August 11.
Conference Auction Donations
It’s not too early to start planning your silent auction donations. You can make your donations online, we appreciate your support.
JWHA Long Range Planning
Over the year, the JWHA Board of Directors endeavor to complete, through hard work and dedication, the goals laid out in the strategic plan.
To realize these goals, we continue to strengthen our efforts in several areas, as well as establish accountability for each priority goal. The living document continues to be updated as insight and results develop.
At the end of the year the plan will be reviewed and updated with future goals.
The following key areas have been identified for JWHA’s continued growth and success.
- Goal #1: Board Development
- Goal #2: JW Books Title Contracts
- Goal #3: Increase & Retain Membership
- Goal #4: 2023 Membership Survey Data Analysis
- Goal #5: Develop Fundraising Plan
As a volunteer board time is very valuable, to ensure effective organizational planning we sought input from the membership through the 2023 Membership Survey.
Membership provided valuable input and feedback prompting us to add the goal of analyzing the data to prioritize our efforts in securing JWHA’s future.
We will continue to share the status of our goals and planning. We appreciate your continued support of the JWHA mission.
2023 Financial Report and Annual Report
The 2023 financial and annual report are available for your review.
JW Books News
The Editorial Board for John Whitmer Books now has six members, each serving three-year staggered terms.
2022 to 2024
Peter Judd
Mike Riggs
2023 to 2025
Jason Smith
Scott Esplin
2024 to 2026
Meredith Carr
Gary Bergera
Many thanks to those serving on the editorial board, as well as those who volunteered and will be considered for future terms.
We are actively reviewing submissions, and welcome proposals and manuscripts from our membership and the larger community of Latter Day Saint historians.
Articles You May Have Missed
2024 Membership Renewal
Keep your membership current. If you haven’t renewed for 2024, your 2023 membership will expire today at midnight. Avoid interruption in your membership benefits, and check your membership expiration date in the footer of this email. If it says “Expires 12/31/2023” renew here.
Thank you for your continued support!
Friends, we are delighted by the number of nominations we have received for our board. If you would like to nominate a candidate to serve on the board, please do so here. The deadline is 11:59pm January 31, so this is your last chance. Please submit any name that you think would do well on the board, or nominate yourself if you would like to serve!
JW Books Editorial Board
John Whitmer Books is recruiting members to serve on the Editorial Board. Interested in serving? To nominate yourself or others, send a note of interest to Seth Bryant, Books Manager,
Whitmer Cast Available on Pandora
John Whitmer Historical Association is pleased to announce that Whitmer Cast is now broadcasting to Pandora Radio in addition to your 11 existing listening options. Check out our latest podcast, “Folklore with Christopher and Christine Blythe.”
We Are Grateful
Thank you to so many of our generous donors! We are grateful for your donations that have continued to sustain the organization and make possible for us to continue our objectives with JWHA. Your donations provide scholarship opportunities, fund the awards program, and maintain our daily operations.
Become a donor or join JWHA today.
Visit the JWHA online store today – find your treasure!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please contact us at We always appreciate your input.