With faithful financial contributions over the years, JWHA has been able to further the independent scholarly interest in the history of Community of Christ and the Restoration Movement.

Our supporters play a key role in our success! Here’s how your donation supports JWHA’s purpose:

  • A $20 donation could sponsor a one-year student membership.
  • A $35 donation could sponsor a one-year e-membership.
  • A $55 donation could sponsor a one-year regular membership.
  • A $125 donation could sponsor an annual conference registration.
  • A $500 donation could support an award or scholarship.

Donors will be recognized in print unless you “opt out” by e-mailing your request not to be recognized to jwha@jwha.info.

JWHA uses PayPal to handle its debit or credit card transactions. It is free for you and provides us with a safe and secure way to accept payments online. A PayPal account is NOT required to make a gift to JWHA.

JWHA is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, your donation may be tax deductible. Consult your tax preparer. JWHA does not give tax advice.

While JWHA will issue receipts, it is incumbent on the individual member (and would solely be the responsibility of the member) to consult with a tax preparer for the appropriate way to make any claim.

The issuance of a receipt is ordinary practice for any 501c3 organization, and does not in itself constitute “tax advice.