Article Awards Nominations
Braby, Junia Silsby. An Abode in the Wilderness: Charles B. Thompson’s Communal Society in Western Iowa. The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal. 35(2).
Crawford, Cory. The Struggle for Female Authority in Biblical and Mormon Theology. Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. 48/(2).
DePillis, M. S., Sr. The Spiritual Mormon. The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal, 35(1).
Esplin, Scott C. Lucy Diantha Morley Allen: Exemplifying Her Family’s Legacy of Communalism and Consecration. Mormon Historical Studies. 16(1).
Hales, Brian. John C. Bennett and Joseph Smith’s Polygamy: Addressing the Question of Reliability. Journal of Mormon History. 41(2).
Johnstun, Joseph. Weapons Related to the Murder of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal. 35(2).
Mortensen, Joann Follett. King Follett: Revisiting His Death, Burial, and Funeral(s). Journal of Mormon History. 41(2).
Rogers, Brent M. The Fascinating Life of Vienna Jaques. Mormon Historical Studies. 16(1).
Smith, Christopher C. Playing Lamanite: Ecstatic Perfomrance of the American Indian Roles in Early Mormon Ohio. Journal of Mormon History. 41(3).
Staker, Mark: Joseph and Emma Smith’s Susquehanna Home: Expanding Mormonism’s First Headquarters. Mormon Historical Studies. 16 (2).
Van Orden, Bruce A. We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout!”: Who is the Real W.W. Phelps?. Mormon Historical Studies. 16(1).