John Whitmer Books had a table at the Mormon History Association held in Kirtland on June 14-16. Highlights included:
- Selling books!
- Inviting MHA members to attend JWHA’s September conference in St. George, Utah
- Speaking briefly at the student reception, and donating three free memberships to JWHA, two of our books, and one JWHA Journal to the student raffle
Aside from my JWHA duties, I also served as co-chair of MHA’s Local Arrangements Committee. I was honored to be able to give two tours of the Kirtland Temple alongside JWHA members Barbara Walden, Mark Staker, and David Howlett. The Deseret News in Salt Lake City reported on the events and gave us some free publicity by identifying me as belonging to the John Whitmer Historical Association.

Many thanks to those who helped with representing JWHA at MHA, including (but not limited to) Katherine Pollock, Kyle Beshears, Sally Roth, and Kyle Walker.
–Seth Bryant