As your immediate past president, it is my responsibility to chair the JWHA Nominations Committee for 2019. You recently received an email from me requesting that you consider nominating one or more JWHA members to the Board of Directors as well as a JWHA member to the position of president-elect.
You probably noted that the request stated specifically “to identify future leaders who are interested in serving on the board and, perhaps, moving into the Executive Committee level.” The link took you to present members of the executive committee as well as current members of the board of directors. It is one thing to be willing to serve on the board, which requires a commitment of time, attention, forethought, and the willingness to travel twice a year to the board meeting locations. It is another to serve on the board with a willingness, perhaps desire, to grow into a leadership position.
Up until 2015 JWHA executive directors were volunteers from within the association who were willing to give up their lives to handle the increased complexity of running an amateur organization of professionals. The board was finally persuaded that we should hire a professional executive director. They had the wisdom to hire Cheryle Grinter who works her magic for us month after month and year after year.
Given that we now have a professional executive director, the board of directors has the responsibility not only for oversight of Cheryle’s work on our behalf, but also the responsibility to create and implement the vision for the future success of our association. At the same time we have the pleasure of honoring our JWHA founders, we are delighted to welcome new and often younger members to our group. It is the responsibility of the board of directors to see that both of these things happen.
If you or someone you know has new ideas for how we can continue to be a magnet to Restoration historians, professional and amateur, please nominate yourself or a colleague who is eager to contribute to the cause. The Nominating Committee—Alex Baugh, Christin Mackay, Erin Metcalf, and Bill Shepard—look forward to reviewing your nominations and sharing our recommendations with all of you.
— Sherry Morain