A successful organization depends on the support and hard work of a number of people. JWHA is no exception.
We have an active board and a number of committees who engage diligently in their assigned tasks. As president, I want to thank each board and committee member. Without their efforts, this organization would not be what it is today. These people who volunteer their time and expertise work alongside our very capable executive director, Cheryle Grinter.
As important as these people are, an organization cannot function without its members. You are the ones who support us through attendance at the annual conference, purchase of books we publish, reading of the JWHA Journal and Newsletter, and payment of annual dues. To provide adequate ongoing income, members need to keep their dues paid up each year. This is essential to cover the costs of publishing and mailing the Journal twice annually and to cover other ongoing expenses. I urge you to consider the value you are getting as a member of JWHA. So if you have not yet done so, please send in your renewal for 2017. Information is on the JWHA website.
Your board of directors is concerned that our organization remains on a sound financial footing. We realize we may not have been bold enough in the past in inviting members and friends to include JWHA among the organizations to which they make regular donations. Contributions of anywhere between $5 and $50,000 each year are most welcome. Please also consider including JWHA in your estate plans. JWHA is a 501(c) 3 organization under the US tax code. Donors should consult their tax advisor regarding the deductibility of their contributions.

Finally, let me heartily encourage you to make plans now to attend, and perhaps present, at our annual conference to be held this year from September 21 to 24 in Nauvoo, Illinois. The theme is “Restoration Diaspora: All Roads Lead from Nauvoo.” The program committee, headed by president-elect Sherry Mesle Morain, is working hard to provide an exciting and instructive agenda. Information about the meeting and the call for papers can be found on the JWHA website.
Again, I thank each one for your support of the John Whitmer Historical Association.
Peter Judd, JWHA president