Many thanks to numerous individuals including Peter Judd and his program committee.
Over 150 attendees enjoyed the activities, including more than 30 for the first time. We hope this trend continues.
We are so grateful to Community of Christ for opening their facilities—and most importantly the Kirtland Temple—for our presentations and activities. Truly, there is nothing like Kirtland for a conference when access to such historical buildings is part of the program.
We appreciate those who filled out the post-conference survey. 98% graded the conference as “good” or “excellent.”
Thanks goes out to Rich Moore for coordinating this fundraiser.
Peter Judd has now assumed his role as 2016–17 president, and Sherry Mesle-Morain was installed as 2017–18 president-elect. Kyle Walker and Jason R. Smith were elected to the board of directors, replacing outgoing members Bill Russell and Lach MacKay. Dan Whittemore replaced Steve Shields as Finance Chair and we are grateful for Steve’s service. JWHA is so fortunate to have such great new leaders.
Next year our annual conference will be held in Nauvoo, Illinois. Information on hotel reservations will be found in this newsletter—mark your calendars today!
Brian C. Hales, immediate past-president