It is with some trepidation that I begin the task of assembling the program for the 2017 JWHA Conference to be held in historic Nauvoo.  The Program Committee, on the other hand, has been intrepid in their initial planning for a terrific agenda, and they have already given me sound advice.   Please meet the members.

Bill Shepard, Co-Chair
Scott Esplin
Melvin Johnson
Rachel Killebrew
Bill Russell
Clare Vlahos
Barbara Walden

We have reason to expect an unprecedented number of papers, in part because the JWHA Journal and Restoration Studies have merged under a single cover in every fall issue.  The JWHA Kirtland conference reflected this by using the initials RS for presentations more representative of the Restoration Studies track than the traditional history track.  Please read carefully the CALL FOR PAPERS in this Newsletter when considering the topic you would like to propose.  Note also the move back to the traditional April 6 deadline for submitting proposals.  This is different from the date in the Call for Papers in the Kirtland conference program.

The Committee and I encourage you to utilize the resources of the Community of Christ Temple Library and Archive for your research.  The library was recently closed to walk-in traffic, but JWHA scholars and other researchers are welcome to apply to use the facility.  Go to; click on “download the form”; complete the form; email it to Rachel Killebrew at  Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted to set up an appointment.

I’ll see you in the library on the way to Nauvoo!

Sherry Mesle-Morain

President-elect and Chair, 2017 Program Committee