JWHA is proud to launch its first digital event.

Metamorphosis: Scattered and Gathered Saints Emerge After Crises

Saturday, September 19, 2020, 5:30 p.m. CDT

JWHA kicks off its inaugural digital event with a live awards ceremony and business meeting, leading into two exceptional presentations. This professionally produced digital event is JWHA’s gift to all members.

Non-members and students are invited to join the event for a nominal fee. Registration fee for non-members is $10.00 and student non-members is $5.00.

Advance registration is required; registration closes September 15.  Attendees will receive a login and password upon completing the registration. Prior to the event, registrants will receive specific access instructions.  Each person viewing the event requires a registration.

Featured Presenters





Dan Whittemore, J.D., CPA

Whittemore is closely connected to the University of Denver, along with his wife, Beth.

They teach a class on Native American rights and have financed endowed scholarship programs for Native Americans in the areas of law and accounting.

Whittemore will open the JWHA 2020 Digital Event reflecting on the theme of scattered and gathered saints who have survived crises.


The Story of the ‘Evacuees’: A Filipino Congregation, a Cold War Insurgency, and the Development of the First RLDS NGO, 1972-1974


David Howlett, Ph.D.

Howlett is the Mellon Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion at Smith College in Northampton, Mass. He is the author of Kirtland Temple: The Biography of a Shared Mormon Sacred Space (University of Illinois Press, 2014) and co-author of Mormonism: The Basics (Routledge, 2017).

Currently, Howlett is working on a monograph about globalization and the Community of Christ in the Philippines, India, and the United States.

He serves on the steering committee for the Global Mormon Studies Network, the editorial advisory board for the Mormon Studies Review, and the editorial board for the John Whitmer Historical Association Journal. He is an eighth-generation member of Community of Christ.


Nor any manner of -ites: American Indians and Mormons


P. Jane Hafen, Ph.D.

Hafen (Taos Pueblo) is professor emerita of English at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

She edited Dreams and Thunder: Stories, Poems and The Sun Dance Opera by Zitkala-Ša, co-edited The Great Plains Reader, is author of Reading Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine, and articles and book chapters about American Indian Literatures.

Hafen also edited two collections of essays: Critical Insights: Louise Erdrich, and Essays on American Indian and Mormon History (co-edited with Brenden Rensink). Her critical edition “Help Indians Help Themselves”: The Later Writings of Gertrude Simmons Bonnin (Zitkala-Ša), was published in January 2020.





Image Courtesy of Community of Christ Library Archives





5:30 PM CDT

  • Live Awards Ceremony
  • Live Business Meeting
  • David Howlett, Ph.D.  A Modern Exodus: The Story of a Filipino RLDS Congregation in a Time of War
  • P. Jane Hafen, Ph.D. – “Nor any manner of -ites”: American Indians and Mormons
  • Hymn Fest

Note: the agenda presented is a draft and subject to change.

Awards Ceremony


And the winner is …

JWHA presents awards for best books and best articles in several categories related to Latter Day Saint history.

We are proud to present the Article Nominations and Book Nominations.


Hymn Fest

Do your vocal warm ups and prepare for the first JWHA digital hymn fest. We are pleased to announce that we will close our digital event with a virtual hymn fest to celebrate some the historical songs which unite and draw us together no matter how far we are scattered.


Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities Available

Thank you to our sponsors!