Judges will select the best articles (privileging works that are most relevant to Community of Christ history or theology, regardless of the time period they encompass).
Daniel P. Stone. “The Rocky Road to Prophethood: William Bickerton’s Emergence as an American Prophet,” Journal of Mormon History 43, no. 1: 1-29.
Matthew W. Dougherty. “None Can Deliver: Imagining Lamanites and Feeling Mormon, 1837-1847,” Journal of Mormon History 43, no. 3: 22-45.
Matthew Godfrey. “Wise Men and Wise Women: The Role of Church Members in Financing Church Operations, 1834-1835,” Journal of Church History 43, no.3 : 1-21.
Christopher James Blythe. “Ann Booth’s Vision and Early Conceptions of Redeeming the Dead among Latter-day Saints,” BYU Studies Quarterly 56, no. 2: 105-122.
Johnny Stephenson and H. Michael Marquardt. “Origin of the Baptism for the Dead Doctrine,” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 37, no. 1: 132-146.
Jeffrey David Mahas. “‘I Intend to Get Up a Whistling School’: The Nauvoo Whistling and Whittling Movement, American Vigilante Tradition, and Mormon Theocratic Thought,” Journal of Mormon History 43, no. 4: 37-67.
Quinten Barney. “Joseph Smith’s Last Weeks: Insights from the Journal Entries of Alexander Neibaur,” Mormon Historical Studies 18, no. 1 (2017): 65-76.
Bryan R. Monte. “The Light Went Out: Gather Together; The End Is Near/Here” John Whitmer Historical Association 37, no. 2: 12-37.
LaJean Carruth. “Transcribing the Memoirs of Joseph Smith III, as dictated by his son, Israel” John Whitmer Historical Association 37, no 2: 113-126.