* 50th anniversary website layout
activate new homepage (in theme editor)
slideshow banner: i can’t access images from links in Cheryle’s email, so I used Google Drive folder images
show Cheryle how to add captions to slideshow
add president’s message
new top banner (in CSS style file)
vertical color stripes (in header.php file)
dark blue page bkgd (in theme editor)
address mobile layout banner sizing issue
* Online store
link missing to 1998 journal vol. 8 (1988) in google drive, errors in spreadsheet
link for vol. 9 goes to vol. 8 document
address background color issue on product pages
Restoration Studies V no link to doc
Refund and Returns Policy page
store intro text
* 50th anniversary sponsorships form and add table of sponsor levels with ROI graphic
* 50th anniversary special award nominations
Received content Dec. 27, 2021 — update sent Dec 30
Sent draft form to CG 01/01/2022
* Image albums/files archive
* Add financial statements page About JWHA menu dropdown as last item: revised content and added to “About JWHA” menu
* Make bylaws easier to find (by search? check later on this): added to “About JWHA menu”
dark blue background: R33 G25 B82
* change in theme editor from background image to solid color
* change nav bar in CSS styles file
thin gold outer line: R251 G214 B74
light blue inside padding: R104 G187 B233
blue header text: R33 G97 B182
right sidebar background light blue: R192 G231 B252
hr: R32 G160 B238
new Google font “Charm”
@import url(‘’);
body text
font-family: ‘Bad Script’, cursive;
font-family: ‘Charm’, cursive;
President’s comments at top of home page:
On 18 September, 1972, fifteen people gathered at the home of Dick and Barbara Howard, for a meeting that can appropriately be regarded as the birthday of the John Whitmer Historical Association. 2022 JWHA celebrates 50 years of restoration history.

50K for JWHA’s 50th Anniversary 2022
At the spring 2019 JWHA board meeting, a special fundraising campaign to raise $50,000 for the 50th anniversary of JWHA (50K for the 50th) was initiated.
This fundraiser will continue over the next two years. Matching gifts from the board led to $21,500 in pledges. Thus, your donations will be worth double, up to $43,000! Help us design the experience. Learn more.