The JWHA Nominations Committee is pleased to present the following nominations for offices that will become vacant at the close of this year’s annual conference:


President-elect: Jill Brim. Jill is on the faculty of Dixie State University teaching U.S. History and Humanities. She received her B.A. from BYU, and her Masters Degree from the University of Chicago, focusing on the history of American religion. She sits on the John Whitmer Historical Association Board of Directors, as well as the BYU College of Humanities Leadership Council.


Board of Directors (three-year term, 2018-2021, two vacancies)


Joseph Geisner. Joseph and his wife, Suzanne, provide residential services for developmentally disabled adults in Northern California. They are the proud parents of three adult children. He has published in Sunstone, the John Whitmer Historical Association Journal, the Journal of Mormon History, and Irreantum. Joe’s interest lies in the New Mormon History and documentary history of the Restoration Movements founded by Smith and Rigdon.


Seth Bryant. Seth is the director of Community of Christ’s Kirtland Temple Historic Site.  He is a former US Navy Chaplain who proclaimed peace to the Marines while in Afghanistan.  He holds master of arts degrees from Vanderbilt University in American religious history and from the University of Florida specializing in religion in the Americas.  He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children.


JWHA Nominations Committee: Jean Addams, Seth Bryant, Peter Judd (chair), Erin Metcalfe, and Kyle Walker